的 official Barnard Catalogue 保存课程列表, 学位要求, major and minor requirements, program descriptions and the list of courses satisfying the general education requirements
Choosing your classes - Steps to Ensure smooth registration:
Review your online degree audit in Student Planning to identify classes you still need to take, to satisfy your 学位要求. See which courses satisfy your 基金会 general education requirements.
搜索课程: students can search the course catalog in Student Planning accessed via myBarnard (see how to access Student Planning)或 Columbia Directory of Classes (which lists all Columbia and Barnard classes). Barnard students can register for any Columbia class that says it is “open to Barnard” in its course listing.
Add classes to your Plan in Student Planning. Planning opens 3 weeks prior to the first registration period.
咨询你的导师: All students need their adviser’s permission at two stages of the process: once before their initial registration for the semester, and again to approve their final class schedule on/before the registration deadline (the second Friday of classes each semester). Before declaring their major, students are assigned a “pre-major” adviser. When declaring a major, a student is connected with an adviser within their major department.
注册课程: Student are assigned specific registration appointment times (this short video shows where to find them). 这些可以在 myBarnard. When you are successfully registered for a class, it will change from yellow to green on your class schedule in Student Planning.
Be sure to register for enough — 但不要太多 学分: Beginning with the Fall 2019 semester, students can take a maximum of 19 学分 each semester. 学生 may add four additional 学分 (up to 23 total) during early registration and the “shopping period,” but an adviser must grant approval for a student to remain above 19 学分 permanently. 提醒一下, all students must be registered for a full-time courseload, with a minimum of 12 学分 per semester.
Finalize your schedule by the registration deadline: 学生 can add and drop classes online through the second Friday of the semester.
For more information, visit the 注册课程 页面.